So many moving causes!

You can put your feet up
after the sports.

Virtually every region promotes itself with offering everything the heart desires. Here at Reschen Pass that’s different. We have quite a lot more to make sports fans’ hearts beat faster. 

Kiting or

When kiting or kayaking on Lake Reschen you can be sure that the adrenaline gets to your head faster than a kite into the air. Then cooling off after (or during?) feels even better and refreshes flying tempers.

By the way, kiters from all across Europe come here to Lake Reschen – there may not be the perfect wave, but instead perfect window that almost always blows and a mild climate.

Of course, beginners can also try their luck on the lake – the experienced kite instructors from the various kite schools at Reschen Pass will teach you all you need to know. 

Fishing at
Lake Reschen

And what else? Feel like some peace and quiet in between? Then treat yourself to it - the sport for relaxing. Things get quiet and mindful when fishing in Lake Reschen or Lake Haider – otherwise the fish won’t bite! Catch some recovery from the everyday stress.

Fishing fans are sure to get their money’s worth in the idyllic waters nearby - and a trout or two as well. Reason enough to take your spot at the water and indulge in your quiet hobby.

The peaceful ambience around Lake Reschen and Lake Haider make your fishing enjoyment perfect.


A good helping of marksmanship is required when doing archery. In the Alpine archery region of South Tyrol, Tyrol and Engadin, you’ll find no less than 14 3D-archery courses. Some of them are located near our sports hotel at Reschen Pass: the Talai course in St. Valentin auf der Haide, Watles archery course, which is the highest one in the Alps, Venostarc in Tartsch at Mals, the two courses Schlegl and Almrausch in the hiking paradise Tarscher Alm as well as the Tschingls course in Pfunds, where you’ll also find an indoor hall.

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